Solutions of car sharing
The manager monitors each employee’s shift, making driving simpler & more accurate.
And it’s easy to make a smart and effective working plan improving business quality.
Monitor fleet performance
Employees know which cars can be used or are reserved for use
Check each employee’s shift: login-logout time & location
See the current location of the entire fleet
All data is updated after each 10 seconds
Calculation of working time of vehicles
Determine if vehicles are being used in high or low mileage through history of mileage data
Transfer and allocate work among drivers and vehicles equally
Accurately manage working time of vehicles through whether the engine is on / off, moving or stopping at that time.
Evaluate efficiency of fleet, thereby provide solutions to adjust the size and operation of your fleets
Track car sharing on the app
Retrieve vehicle usage information and employee shifts simply through App/Web.
All data is automated.
Enhance driver’s responsibility and honesty during their working.